Public Speaking, Teaching & Public Law
Jack Woodward is a frequent speaker and writer on the subject of Aboriginal Law. He has been invited to provide informative and inspiring talks at professional conferences, political conventions, and environmental organizations. He was a keynote speaker at the annual convention of the Assembly of First Nations, and Dr. David Suzuki’s Blue Dot Tour. Mr. Woodward was an adjunct Professor of Law from 1985 to 2001 at the University of Victoria Faculty of Law. He is also a frequent guest lecturer at the University of British Columbia and Simon Fraser University.
January 12, 2020: Aboriginal Litigation – Hosted by the Pacific Business & Law Institute
March 6, 2019: Guest lecturer at University of British Columbia, Faculty of Law (with David Rosenberg, Q.C.). Speaking about Canada’s Ancient and Modern Constitution: Tribalism and Reconciliation.
Sept 25, 2018: John Howard Society, Nanaimo. Reconciliation and the true place of Aboriginal people in Canada’s legal system.
Sept 14, 2018: Continuing Legal Education Society, Vancouver: Origins, Categories, and Content of Crown/Aboriginal obligations.
May 22, 2018: Vancouver Co-op Radio: A discussion about pipelines and Canada’s Constitution.
April 17, 2018: CBC Radio (national) interview with Laura Lynch concerning the Kinder Morgan Trans Mountain Pipeline.
March 5, 2018: University of Guelph, College of Social and Applied Human Sciences, Department of Sociology and Anthropology, Guest Lecture “Legal Protection for Sacred Lands in Canada and the United States”.
Winter, 2017 to Winter 2016 – The Scrivener: 4 part series on Aboriginal Land Interest and Registering Aboriginal Lands by Jack Woodward and Ethan Krindle running from the Winter 2016 issue through to the Winter 2017 issue.
2016, 2017, 2018, 2020 – Guest lecturer at Simon Fraser University M.A.A.L.S. course for Notaries Public.
2012 to 2017 – Guest lecturer at University of British Columbia, Faculty of Law (with David Rosenberg, Q.C.).
July 13, 2016: Invited Speaker, Assembly of First Nations annual convention, Niagara Falls, Ontario.
June 11, 2015: Keynote Speaker, Canadian Bar Association, National Aboriginal Law Section, Fortress Louisberg, N.S. See full video of Jack’s presentation.
Oct. 2015, UBC Law Review, Vol. 48, No. 3, page 943 “The Tsilhqot’in Case: The Recognition and Affirmation of Aboriginal Title in Canada” by David Rosenberg, Q.C. and Jack Woodward, Q.C. (peer reviewed).
2015: Guest Speaker at the Vancouver Round Table.
2015: Guest Speaker at the Strathmere Group.
Nov. 9, 2014: Speaker at the Dr. David Suzuki Blue Dot Tour Finale, Orpheum Theatre, Vancouver.
October 7, 2013: The real anniversary of Canada’s founding, by Jack Woodward, feature article, National Post.
2009 and 2010: Speaking engagements on legal strategies to deal with climate change in Manchester, London and Edinburgh, at the invitation of the Co-operative Bank (the world’s largest credit union) and the University of London, with BBC interviews in Manchester and London.
1985 to 2001: Adjunct Professor of Law, University of Victoria, Faculty of Law.
December 16, 1980: Special Joint Committee of the Senate and of the House of Commons on the Constitution of Canada. Jack Woodward appearing as witness, along with late George Watts, for the Nuu-chah-nulth Tribal Council. See pages 126 through 153, including page 133, where one of the original formulations of section 35 was put forward. The text of section 35 was eventually drafted by Jack Woodward, as recorded in Ian Waddell’s book “Take the Torch” (pages 125 to 132), and Ardith Walkem and Halie Bruce “Box of Treasures or Empty Box?” (cover and page 18).