Native Law 2020 Release – 4
Native Law
This Release includes updates to the law in the following important areas:
Both Canada and the Provinces are bound by fiduciary obligations and the principle of the Honour of the Crown. See cases and explanatory notes at paragraphs 3§1270, 3§1390, 3§1840, and 4§125.
Labour law: Provincial labour laws may apply to emergency medical services on reserve. Siksika Health Services v. Health Sciences Association of Alberta, 2019 ABCA 494, 2019 CarswellAlta 2705 (Alta. C.A.) (leave to appeal refused 2020 CarswellAlta 1080, 2020 CarswellAlta 1081 (S.C.C.)). See paragraph 4§304.
Labour law: Whether treaty rights confer federal nature on an undertaking. Canada (Attorney General) v. Northern Inter-Tribal Health Authority Inc., 2020 FCA 63, 2020 CarswellNat 783 (F.C.A.) at paras. 29-32. See paragraph 4§345.
Access to Justice: Waiver of court fees in s. 35 cases. The B.C. Supreme Court said “The charge of a substantial fee – which ultimately is for the Crown’s own benefit — to access the court to seek to uphold a constitutionally protected treaty right is antithetical to the purpose of s. 35(1), the principle of honour of the Crown, and the objective of reconciliation.” Yahey v. British Columbia, 2020 BCSC 278, 2020 CarswellBC 451 (B.C. S.C.). See Chapter 20, page 396.
You can find the PDF copy here: Publisher’s Notes – 2020(4)